I have handled thousands of divorce cases in my many years of practice. I have effectively represented both spouses in many cases. I have extensive experience in dealing with all the issues relevant to a divorce including custody and parent time with minor children, real property, debts, assets, etc.
​I have handled numerous paternity cases when unmarried persons have a child together. I can assist you with establishing paternity and obtaining parental rights, custody and parent time orders as well as child support, child care, health insurance and tax exemption orders.
I have extensive experience handling custody cases and issues. I will assist parents in establishing custody orders both in regards to legal custody, which addresses the process for making major decisions on behalf of minor children, and also physical custody, which addresses the amount of time a minor child resides with one and/or both parents.
​​I am able to assist you with establishing and/or enforcing parent time orders. I am knowledgeable about and experienced with the statutes regarding parent time whether you have minimum parent time, want more liberal parent time, and/or want joint custody.
I will be able to assist you in establishing or modifying a child suport obligation. I have years of experience in establishing gross monthly income for both employed and self-employed parties. I also have experience in modifying child support orders when income and/or custody arrangements have changed since the entry of the original orders.
I will help you identify marital and debts and assets and will present legal arguments about how said debts and assets should be distributed between parties. This includes but is not limited to real property, personal property, vehicles, retirement accounts, bank accounts, etc.